Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The past year or so there are two individuals that station them selves outside one of the gates to the shipyard. One of these gentlemen is, judging from his appearance, in his late 60's, 70's and he wears polka dot 60's style pants. He is there most afternoons passing out "The Word Of God." Most of you who know me know I am anti-religious and do not appreciate evangelising.
The other gentleman, perhaps slightly younger, is present most mornings 5:30 AM, with his little cut-off milk container in front of him. Seranading us on his harmonica with a tune he certainly must have composed himself. He plays this same tune every morning and has lately added the effects of what sounds like a train whistle. And as we pass by him he interrupts his playing to say "G'mornin'", which I ignore. Although he is not offensive he does have a musty odor about him, slightly like a locker room.
The first gentleman I ignore as well and generally with a distaste in my mind. I entertained thoughts of grabbing his material and wadding it up in front of him with any type of spontaneous biting remark I could utter.
The second gentleman, I had a habit of walking on the other side of the street until they tore it for repairs. This forced me to pass by and ignore this gentleman each morning again, wishing that he wouldn't show up.
Now as much as I try not to I know that I am a bigot and the past few days I have had some pretty conflicting feelings.
This morning as I passed our early morning seranader, although I still ignore him when he says "G'mornin'", I thought to myself; How would I feel if they weren't there. And my feelings became even more confused.
I think I would miss them, I would wonder what happened to them, would they be dead, would God strike me for having such selfish thoughts? I don't think so, but I can say I think I want them to stay. I am not saying I embrace them, don't go that far, but they are a part of my world and they belong there. Maybe someday I may even smile back??

1 comment:

stephanie said...

i have been thinking about this article, well ever since it showed up. I think you should give up one of your smiles once in a whild and maybe give up a quarters if you have them in your pocket. You don't have to do it every day or even every week. I always feel when I see one of the "bums" that "there but for the grace of God go I" another of moms sayings. But, then again my evil twin rises and says, "Shit, man, they got more money then you!"