Friday, March 21, 2008


The other day a couple of us were having a Water Cooler round table discussion and the topic was the bathroom. As most people are aware a bathroom is a man's sanctuary. Many might remember the Home Improvement episode Tim Taylor and Al Borland introduced Binford's Man's Bathroom. As fantasical as this may have been it was not by any means far from the buried desires of a man. Aside from a well stocked shop a Man's bathroom would be a next priority, while a woman finds it better to invest in a kitchen and bedroom, Go Figure!?!?!
Our conversation centered mostly on THE LIBRARY. We all pretty much agreed that a man cannot enter the inner sanctum without reading material, hence the rash of sales on bathroom magazine racks. Herein lies the mystery, while man can disappear for hours a woman seldom spends any quality time in the bathroom, unless you read the recent news article of the woman who spent two years glued to the toilet seat.
You never see a magazine rack with "Ladies Home Journal", Woman's Day", Better Homes and Garden". No, what you see is Sports Illustrated, Mechanic's Illustrated, WOOD magazine, and the most recent copy of Bathroom Trivia.
Now one of women's complaint is there just is not enough time in a day to rest and relax let alone sit down and read, why they would pass up on one of the greatest opportunities available to them each day to just sit down grab a good book and be in their own space for an hour or two.
It is another one of those mysteries of life that only a woman understands. No wonder Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, they are definitely worlds apart in priorities.


Tiffany said...

Of course women don't waste time in the bathroom! They are too busy doing the dishes, the cleaning, the cooking, taking care of the kids, etc. while their man is reading in the bathroom!!!

honestabe said...
