Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm BACK! I have decided to resurrect my blog site and I will attempt to reunite with so many of you my friends who encouraged me to get my butt back in gear and start blogging again. I hope I will become more regular than every six months.

I am hoping with the help of Tiffany to begin downloading some of my photos that you asked about. Don't blame me if I start overwhelming you. So with instructions I received from dear Tiffany here comes my first attempt. ------ WISH ME LUCK!!

This picture is from my file of last year when I was attending O.C. taking a photography class. It certainly showed my beginning steps of becoming a world class photographer. It is a picture of one of the fountains at the downtown Bremerton Conference Center.


Tiffany said...

Thank goodness you're back. Nice job on uploading the picture!

Cole said...

Um...Bremerton Fountain pictures were SO last year.....