Oh My Gosh!! Thank goodness there were NO PARENTS allowed on this day trip. With Great Uncles almost anything is okay, shoes, shirts, socks and all. Ah ha yep, yep, yep, thank goodness for Grand Uncles and Grand Parents. They can be so much fun!!
And of course dressing up as a starfish is just as fun as running through the fountains.
Even if one size does NOT always fit all!!
And though the Lions and the Tigers and the bears oh and the Belluga Whale were noticeably missing in the overcast and muggy weather. "The puppies", as Tayla shouted were an okay draw and worth a pose - well, maybe, if you note the ho hmm expression Tayla dispalyed.
One thing about taking a 7-year old and a 2-year old to the zoo, it is not always about the animals. Aside from the Ice Creams and Lemonades there is the sprinklers and the fountains. Catch them if you can.
And of course dressing up as a starfish is just as fun as running through the fountains.
Even if one size does NOT always fit all!!
And though the Lions and the Tigers and the bears oh and the Belluga Whale were noticeably missing in the overcast and muggy weather. "The puppies", as Tayla shouted were an okay draw and worth a pose - well, maybe, if you note the ho hmm expression Tayla dispalyed.
And of course some of the wonderful things about spending the night away from home are kid's movies (especially Disney), staying up late, waking up late, and making car and truck pancakes
And then it is down to some serious painting of wall plaques for Dad and Mom. Such dedicated concentration.
Finishing up the minute details with a dot here and a dot there of sparkle before the finished product was ready to give to Dad and Mom. - Oh, did I mention that when it was time to go home it was a tearful event of "We don't wanta go home Uncle Ray" ;~> Dang do I have them spoiled!!!
Thanks again for keeping them. Tayla came home with blue and green highlights in her hair! =)
Those girls are so blessed to have you!
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